This is the first of about four posts that I am putting on here. I feel bad and I apologize for not staying current with the blog. Sometimes we go through times when stuff happens and we feel quite uninspired. That time is past and now it's time to move on with a fresh perspective from God and even more joy and hope for the future. When we go through valleys we find ourselves walking closer with God. Then when we get to the mountain top, on the other side we stand firm in our faith. And once more we trust in the promises of our Lord! Yay God!!!!!
Katie and Emmy came at an odd time here. We were at the end of the school year and there was much chaos. All routines were out the window. The two of them just rolled with it. They were a real joy to have around.
Emmy applying the "banana" face mask. |
One of the things we did was try out homemade facial recipes on a few unsuspecting girls!! I have never done this before and did not realize a few things. Face masks drip---a lot after you get it on your face.
Jamila, Jaury and Glendy. |
All of the girls were a lot of fun. Of course, none of these young ladies really needed any kind of beauty treatment. As you can see, God already did a perfect job on each one.
Katie attempting the banana mask. |
There is a Glendy under the salad here. They loved the cucumber thing.
Jaury giving the thumbs up that she was still doing OK. |
Notice the dripping....Yea it got real messy, real fast. |
Jaury, Glendy, Jamila and Katie. They just finished playing Pretty Pretty Princess, and had a great time with it. |
As you can tell, this really wasn't about trying to look more beautiful. It was about getting together and spending time with each other. All five young ladies were kind and gracious. They did help me figure out that I probably won't be doing facials in the future.
We had one more adventure before the girls had to go home.
Big Rock Falls and then Rio on Pools
This is where we have jumped in before. |
That is our Katie being all brave! She is now a member of the Belize Jumpers Club! |
This was the first time I made it to the little pool just under the falls. The rocks are almost impossible to climb on. Very very slippery. You may be wondering about Emmy up there on the side. She is still considering the question. Jump or not jump. Or..."I really don't know what is in that water!" |
The rocks make a good slide. |
Yes! Emmy is in the water! |
Later, Emmy told us that she had to overcome the fear of the dreaded unknown. She had waded into the water a little ways and her shoe string brushed her ankle! That is one of those adrenaline moments that you laugh about later, and we did.
Playing in the water. |
So, we had to go back for one more jump. |
Emmy joins the Belize Jumpers Club!! |
Katie is just enjoying herself now! |
Only God knows the plans he has for the future of these two young ladies. But it is good to know that their future is in His hands. We are proud to call them friends and sisters in this journey.
Love you guys!
P.S. I forgot the mention the pterodactyl sighting in San Ignacio!
Oh Yeah, fun, fun, fun! Thank you for taking care of our Girls'. I believe it is a strong possibility that they may return sometime in the future! (Can I come too????)