Perspectives change with our environment. If our world we choose, our world we build around us never changes then I would say it's likely that our perspective won't either. That is one of the reasons that God sends people out to do mission work. His intention is to change our perspective, to change us as we spend time in a whole new environment. Sure we have a job to do, sure we are here for the sake of others, for the sake of God's Kingdom. But the whole thing doesn't happen until the perspective is correct.

Please proceed with caution as I don't want to offend anyone. And if offense is taken please know that my heart is now the possession of God. I have given myself to God and his plan. I am not arrogant in saying this, I wish more would. However, I know that I have "put myself out there" for ridicule and gossip and even slander because I know that I am not perfect. I know that I can, and often do make mistakes. In stating that I have given myself over to God I am not saying that I have reached perfection. Any one who knows me knows better! I know who I am as a Christ Follower. I believe what the bible says about me and I choose to walk in those definitions not the world's definitions.

So, on with what I really want to say. This all started with a visit from the Hearts of Christ people to Buena Vista Govt. School. The Hearts of Christ is the organization that connects sponsors to children in school. The children need sponsorship for school supplies, uniforms and even tuition if they go to high school. As we know in the states, with programs like the Back To School Bash at Greater Life Church in Tennessee, public school isn't exactly free. I spent a little time with the founder of Hearts of Christ, Carla Jennings. I found her to be the real thing. I watched her walk around talking to the kids and enjoying their company. I was very impressed at the skill in which they handed out the school supplies and backpacks. Carla is an organizational genius!

I watched her as she instructed the volunteers and as she chatted with the children she knows from past visits. But then I started to look around the perimeter of all the activity. For every happy child who received supplies there were at least two more standing there who had no sponsors. A few of the moms who know me wanted to know if they were taking new students so I told them I would find out. So I talked with Carla about how she organized students and sponsors. She told me that every year they have to find out who drops out, who graduates, who moves away etc...Then they can see if more kids can be accepted for the sponsors that already exist. She lets the families know when they can take more kids when anything comes up or if there are any new sponsors. There is a local person who works closely with the schools and the families in getting the children new sponsors.
So after talking with Carla I have a better understanding how this all works. Then I went back to the moms and told them that they would not be taking any new children until later in the year...Now this is the part that changes one's perspective. I watched their faces as I told them that they would not have sponsors for their children. They were standing there for over an hour hoping that someone would maybe say that they can take more kids now. But that never happened. As the few extra supplies were handed out to the kids without sponsors and the bus was being loaded up with the tables and chairs I watched as moms and children turned around and walked back home. Most of these families struggle on a weekly, if not daily basis to get food on the table. Now they walk away trying to figure out how to get uniforms, backpacks and supplies for their children for the next school year.
I wrote before about poverty and how "She" works to hold people in despair. How She enjoys the feeling of humiliation that parents feel when they are not able to provide for their own children. I felt Poverty there as I watched them walk away. My heart hurt for one mom in particular. I don't even know who she was, I didn't recognize her children. But I actually saw her shoulders drop as she turned to walk home. It was painful.
I grew up without much money. I know that we didn't have much. It is the same with Dennis and his family growing up. But, I can honestly say that we never truly felt the sting of poverty. I know there are many within my world who understand what it is like to be without things that we desire. But lets get some more perspective here when it comes to living our lives within the worlds we create. In America we live with blinders on to the rest of the world. I am talking about myself here also. I have been guilty of quickly changing the channel when that guy comes on showing starving children in Africa. Sure, I have given to the Angel Tree and various charities but that is only when I feel my needs have been met. But now my perspective has changed as I ask myself, "What do I really need?"
Do I need to have that yummy coffee drink at the fancy coffee shops? Do I need a new pair of shoes for every outfit I buy, do I need a new outfit? Do I need to go out to dinner as often as I do? Do I really need a new car? And the list of needs can go on and on. But we know that most of these really aren't needs.

During a visit back home in Tennessee some wonderful friends took me out for my first pedicure. I must say it was awesome as I sat there and had my toes painted while drinking one of those yummy coffee drinks. Across the way was a little girl celebrating her tenth birthday. She was happily telling me about all her gifts while her mother sat next to me and just beamed. I could tell she was proud of her little girl. Before they left the little girl did confide in me that she was a little sad because tonight was her last birthday party. I asked her how many she had enjoyed up until tonight. She smiled and said that this was her fourth party in the last week...Now, I know that is extreme. Well, I hope that is extreme and not normal for most of us. A few weeks later I was back in Buena Vista where most of the kids we know don't get to celebrate their birthdays.
I'm telling you, God has ways of changing us. And my problem is that I want everyone to be changed like we have been. One of the last things that Carla said as she was getting on the bus was that she wished more people could come down here to see first hand. I agree. I know that if you could come spend time with these children your perspective would change. Your comfortable perspective might get a little disturbed by seeing what other perspectives are out there. I am not denying that I still like the comfortable "American" way of life. I am just wanting more of us to gain a perspective that may include others. Maybe we can come to a place where we don't want so much comfort. Maybe we can sacrifice just a little of our "needs" to improve the lives of others.
In order to sponsor a child in Buena Vista it will mean a sacrifice. When Hearts of Christ accepts new sponsors they ask for $250.00 a year. You will be connected with a child and stay with that child for as long as they are in the program. The amount stays the same whether they are in Standard 1 or high school. They only ask that you start them at a young age so that there is money for high school when they get to that point.
Yes, we are asking you to consider sponsoring a child's education in Buena Vista. Currently there are only thirty students out of almost 200 who have sponsors at the school We don't want you to make a decision like this without thinking about it and praying about it. This is not a one time event. It is a long term commitment of $250.00 a year until the child is done with their education. Your child will get to know you and depend on your sponsorship. You are developing a relationship with this child if you choose to. Carla said that sometimes the sponsors are able to come down and meet their child.
Here is the link to see their webpage If you want the names of children that we know personally we can match you up with them. I will contact Carla and let her know which one you are interested in. We can tell you about some of them in an email or you can message us on Facebook. We would have more information about the kids in Buena Vista than the Hearts of Christ people do.
Class of 2015, Four of these students had sponsors which enabled them to go on to high school. |
So, consider sponsoring a child through Hearts of Christ. I can promise you that your perspective will be changed and you will change a life in the process.
Love you guys!