I know that some of you share this blog with children. I just wanted you to read through it first before you read it to them. They might have questions.
I really admire writers. I am always amazed at how they can take all those thoughts out of their head and put it on paper (computer). I have been having a hard time figuring out how to get these thoughts of mine written down properly. I want to tell you what I have learned about this culture, people, God and myself but I really need help. So, I am asking the Holy Spirit to guide my words in order to convey what God wants revealed not what Vicki wants revealed.
I am amazed at the abundance of love I have found here. I have met people who have almost no material possessions yet they give of what they have. Dora is a mother of many children, she is the wife of a very hard working man and an exceptional cook. Every time we come into contact with her she gives us good food, bread, tomales, donuts and even a head of lettuce. Her smile seems to reveal the condition of her heart. I have no idea if she is a "Born Again Christian", but I know that God loves her dearly and gave up his son for her. She is easy to love, just like the children in the village.
Although I am blessed to be in Buena Vista during the day, I have seen it at night also. It feels different at night. The darkness seems heavy. Yet every time I'm there at night I see people every where. There are young men and old men, young women and old women. There are many children who are out and about in the dark. They seem to look after themselves. I can't tell if they are afraid to be out alone. I know that I would not be there alone. The things that happen in Buena Vista at night are the same everywhere in the world where poverty has become generational. I cannot go into detail because I have only heard stories. They are stories that I will not write about because that is not why I'm here. God does not want me to tell the world about the darkness that is present, he wants me to tell the world about the Light that dispels the darkness.
This village is an example of how the absence of the Holy Spirit allows darkness to remain and grow. I wondered about that for a while because there are at least seven churches in the village. I can only conclude that the Holy Spirit is not present in those churches. The bible has been used to manipulate and control people. Man has made it a tool to keep the light from chasing away the dark. Actually, if I am going to be real here I will have to say that it's Satan who has used men to maintain his hold in places of poverty. Satan finds poverty to be a comfortable place where he can go about his business with little or no resistance.
My heart broke the other day while watching a soccer tournament in a neighboring village. I was standing next to one of my friends who is about twelve. She is a beautiful young lady and has a kind and gentle spirit. One of the other girls walked by and said "Mr.----- is over there and just called you." My friend glanced at me in a odd sort of way, clearly showing that something was wrong. She leaned in real close and said, "He molested me when I was in second grade." This man was leaning against the building about fifteen feet away from us and I just turned and looked at him. He is a teacher at this village who had worked in Buena Vista previously. He was surrounded by many of the other students from the school and it made my skin crawl. I wanted to go right over to him and scream in his face. I wanted to call the police. I wanted to tell all the kids to get away from him. I told my friend to come around to the other side of me so that I would be between them. A few minutes later she ran off with friends and I told Dennis what she had said. We watched the guy like a hawk, making sure that he was never near my friend. There was nothing to be done here, no repercussion, no justice and no consequence for this man. I had a little taste of the helplessness that poverty feeds it's vicitms.
Now here is one of the biggest revelations that God has given me. Dora is not the only one that Jesus died for. Jesus died for every negelected child, every abusive parent, every alcoholic and drug addict. Jesus even died for the ones we lable as lazy, scary and dangerous. The big revelation is the fact that my Jesus, who died for me, my husband, Dora, my children, my grandchildren, my whole family, my church family and all those awesome kids in the village also died for that man who hurt my friend. So, don't you see? If I believe John 3:16 then
all those people in the village at least deserve to hear about how much Jesus loves them. I came to this realization when I was teaching the kids at our first bible study. I told them that John 3:16 is for every human being alive now, in the future and in the past. This love that God has for them also is for everyone else, even people who you hate, even people who have hurt you. God loves every person whom he created. It is the Holy Spirit in us that enables us to love our enemies and forgive those who have hurt us.
Dear Lord, please help me to love those whom you have put before me. There are some here who would take advantage of Dennis and I just because we are from America. There are some here who hate us and would rather we weren't here. Lord, help me love them also. Holy Spirit in me give me wisdom, clarity, and peace about all that is going on around me. It is by your presence alone that we can be an example of your divine love here on earth.
We love you guys!